Saturday, August 16, 2008

Saturday, May 24, 2008

MMU video promotion

See this guys...multimedia project video

Monday, May 12, 2008

The Pledge - Agniputra feat. 3Flow

Nice song ! Hope you all will enjoy! For more info log into

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Hye all!

Once again im back for blogging again! we keep you all updated about every latest news that i know!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Yaaradi Nee Mohini

Itz said the song is sing by our Malaysian Rapper Dr.Burn!! Just listen!!

Samy Vellu calls for release of Hindraf 5

KUALA LUMPUR: MIC president Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu on Sunday asked the government to release the five Hindu Rights Action Force (Hindraf) leaders under detention, saying two of them should be freed sooner because one was ill and the other was now an elected representative.

He said R. Kenghadaran, 40, "is very sick" and M. Manoharan, 46, had won a seat in the March 8 general election. Manoharan had won the Kota Alam Shah state seat in Selangor on a DAP ticket.

Samy Vellu also said that V. Ganabatirau, 34, and K. Vasantha Kumar, 34, had not been very much involved in the massive rally organised by the unregistered Hindraf in Kuala Lumpur on Nov 25 last year, which was a reason for the five to be detained under the Internal Security Act (ISA).

The fifth Hindraf leader under detention is P. Uthayakumar.

The MIC president spoke at a news conference after opening a workshop on "Rebranding the MIC" attended by the party's 150 divisional leaders, here.

"I will raise it (the issue of their release) with the Prime Minister (Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi) after he returns from Sabah," he said. -- Bernama

Monday, March 24, 2008

Aduan terhadap perdana menteri

Angkatan muda keadilan (AMK) PKR membuat laporan terhadap perdana menteri, timbalan perdana menteri serta 23 wakil rakyat Barisan Nasional (BN) yang didakwanya “bersikap biadap dan menderhaka” kepada Sultan Terengganu.

Laporan tersebut dibuat oleh timbalan ketua AMK pusat, Fariz Musa, di ibu pejabat polis daerah Kuala Terengganu jam 4.30 petang tadi.

Dalam laporannya itu, Fariz mendakwa, isu pelantikan menteri besar itu melanggar prinsip perlembagaan yang seharus menghormati keputusan sultan dan institusi beraja.

“Tindakan perdana menteri, timbalan perdana menteri dan 23 Adun tersebut sebagai menderhaka dan tindakan tegas perlu diambil,” katanya dalam laporan itu lagi.

“Saya dengan ini menyatakan keputusan Duli Yang Mahu Mulia dan Majlis Penasihat Pemangku Raja (MPPR) adalah keputusan yang tidak boleh diengkari dan dipertikaikan,” katanya dalam laporan tersebut.

Dalam laporan itu juga, Fariz berkata, pihak eksekutif tidak boleh keterlaluan dengan memperlekehkan dan secara terbuka menentang institusi raja berperlembagaan kerana ia boleh menyebabkan suasana buruk dan menjejaskan keharmonian negara dan negeri.

Lagi laporan polis

Sementara itu, AMK Terengganu akan membuat satu lagi laporan polis esok terhadap 23 Adun berkenaan, termasuk Datuk Seri Idris Jusoh atas dakwaan menderhaka kepada istana.

Laporan tersebut akan dibuat oleh Ketua AMK negeri, Rosdi Baba di Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah (IPD) Kuala Terengganu.

"AMK mahu polis menyiasat kesemua Adun terbabit apa motif mereka bermati-matian mempertahankan Idris walaupun tidak direstui oleh istana.

"Tindakan Adun-Adun berkenaan tidak mencerminkan prinsip menjunjung raja berperlembagaan," katanya ketika dihubungi hari ini.

Rosdi berkata, tindakan Adun BN itu lebih biadap daripada pemimpin DAP dalam isu membantah pelantikan menteri besar Perak baru-baru ini.

Katanya, beliau tidak faham mengapa Adun berkenaan berkonfrontasi kerana kedua-duanya merupakan dari parti sama iaitu Umno.

Rancang perhimpunan

Sementara itu, Rosdi berkata, satu perhimpunan membabitkan 10,000 rakyat Terengganu dirancang diadakan bagi menyatakan sokongan kepada istana.

Katanya, perhimpunan tersebut akan diadakan di Batu Buruk, Kuala Terengganu dalam masa terdekat ini serta perarakan ke Istana Tetamu.

"Kita menentang sikap penderhaka kerana ia bukan sahaja tidak beradab tetapi juga tidak menghormati institusi Raja.

"Kami melihat ada kain rentang yang ditampal di istana mengandungi perkataan yang tidak sesuai untuk ditujukan kepada istana.

"Sama ada mendapat permit polis, atau tidak perhimpunan tersebut akan tetap diadakan," katanya lagi.

Langkah sopan

Dalam perkembangan berkaitan, PKR negeri menggesa ketegangan antara istana dengan BN ditangani "dengan penuh berhemah dan berhati-hati, terutamanya dalam menjaga hubungan intim dengan pihak istana kerana ia amat sensitif bagi orang Melayu."

Dalam kenyataannya, setiausaha badan perhubungan parti itu Razali Alias berkata jika BN atau Umno tidak bersetuju dengan lantikan MPPR, langkah yang lebih sopan disyorkan dan bukannya melalui "kenyataan-kenyataan yang berbetuk penghinaan atau tekanan terhadap pihak istana."

Sementara itu, Badan Pencegah Rasuah (BPR) dilaporkan menyiasat aduan tiga wakil rakyat yang mendakwa cuba dibeli agar berpihak kepada Ahmad.

Akhbar Sin Chew Daily melaporkan, Mohd Zawawi Ismail (wakil Kuala Berang), Nawi Mohamad (Hulu Besut) dan Ramlan Ali (Jabi) melaporkan percubaan berpindah kem politik kepada badan itu.

Malaysiakini bagaimanapun setakat ini belum dapat mengesahkannya.

Syed Hamid Albar terus didesak

Menteri Dalam Negeri yang baru, Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar terus didesak supaya membebaskan lima pemimpin Barisan Bertindak Hak Hindu (Hindraf) yang ditahan di bawah Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri (ISA).

Mereka yang meringkuk di Kem Tahanan Kamunting di Taiping ialah M Manoharan, P Uthayakumar, V Ganabatirau, R Kengadharan dan K Vasantha Kumar.

Semuanya ditahan pada 13 Disember selepas terbabit menganjurkan perhimpunan 25 November lalu serta membuat kenyataan yang berunsur hasutan terhadap kerajaan.

Kali ini gesaan tersebut dibuat oleh seorang tokoh yang tidak asing lagi, Datuk Param Cumaraswamy yang merupakan bekas pelapor khas Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu (PBB) mengenai kebebasan hakim dan peguam.

Gesaan itu terkandung dalam surat terbukanya kepada menteri berkenaan hari ini.

Sebelum ini, gesaan yang sama dibuat oleh pemimpin veteran DAP, Lim Kit Siang dan penolong setiausaha parti Gerakan Wilayah Persekutuan, K K Supmaniam serta Presiden Hindu Sangam Malaysia, Datuk A Vaithilingam.

Semak semula arahan

Menurut Param, salah satu tugas tugas utama Syed Hamid selaku Menteri Dalam Negeri yang sangat penting dalam kerajaan, ialah menyemak semula arahan yang dibuat pada 12 Disember 2007 terhadap lima pemimpin Hindraf tersebut dan membebaskan mereka tanpa syarat.

"Mereka ditahan tanpa bicara di bawah 8(1) Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri 1960 untuk menghalang mereka daripada bertindak dalam bentuk yang membahayakan keselamatan Negara," katanya dalam surat tersebut.

Param berkata, keputusan pilihanraya umum dua minggu lalu hendaklah dilihat sebagai menyangkal apa juga syak wasangka kerajaan terhadap mereka pada masa mereka ditahan.

"Perjuangan Hindraf kini telah menjadi sebahagian daripada perjuangan MIC dalam kerajaan dan juga di pihak pembangkang.

"Malah, seorang daripada mereka, M Manoharan, telah dipilih oleh pengundi di Kota Alam Shah sebagai wakil rakyat mereka di Dewan Undangan Negeri Selangor.

"Itu harus diterima sebagai satu mesej yang jelas bahawa para pengundi tidak menganggap beliau sebagai ancaman kepada keselamatan negara. Jadi jelas, tiada lagi sebarang justifikasi untuk terus meletakkan dalam tahanan," kata Param lagi.

Tegak keadilan

Dalam pilihanraya umum, Manoharan yang bertanding atas tiket DAP di kerusi DUN Kota Alam Shah di Selangor dan menang dengan majoriti 7,184 undi.

Beliau mendapat 12,699 undi untuk menewaskan calon BN-Gerakan, Ching Su Chen yang memperolehi 5,515 undi.

"Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, dilaporkan telah melaksanakan program yang berani untuk memperbaiki keseluruhan sistem penyampaian kebebasan keadilan di negara ini yagn begitu mustahak untuk melindungi perintahan undang-undang.

"Berasaskan kepada pengalaman luas Datuk sebagai Menteri Luar dan sudah biasa dengan program-program PBB dalam mempromosi hak asasi manusia dan pemerintahan undang-undang, pastinya anda tanpa tanpa ragu-ragu sependapat bahawa penahanan tanpa bicara melanggar prinsip pertama dalam pemerintahan undang-undang," tegas Param.

Oleh itu, tambahnya, demi keadilan dan mengukuhkan lagi harmoni dan integrasi kaum di negara ini, beliau menggesda Syed Hamid supaya menyemak semula arahan tersebut dan membebaskan pemimpin Hindraf terbabit agar mereka dapat kembali ke pangkuan keluarga masing-masing.

"Dan ia juga membolehkan Manoharan berkhidmat kepada para pengundinya di Kota Alam Shah, secara berkesan," tegasnya.

Syed Hamid Albar terus didesak

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Siapa yang biadap sekarang

Dear reader's this is letter from Md Asmawi Md Nor to YB SDR LIM KIT SIANG. I agree with what this writer had mentioned in his letter.

by Md Asmawi Md Nor

Saya bersetuju bahawa Saudara telah tersilap dalam isu majlis angkat sumpah MB Perak tetapi saya juga sangat hormat apabila Saudara dengan cepat menyedari kesilapan tersebut dan dengan segera memperbetulkannya dan melakukan tindakan yang tepat dengan memohon maaf kepada pihak istana secara peribadi. Tahniah atas tindakan anda tersebut.

Nah, sekarang Terengganu pula menghadapi isu yang sama dimana 23 Adun dengan segera mengumumkan untuk memboikot majlis angkat sumpah MB Terengganu yang dijangka akan diadakan esok sebaik sahaja ayam tambatan mereka Idris Jusoh tidak terpilih sebagai MB. Seperti biasa, media UMNO Utusan Malaysia akan bersikap ‘double-standard’ dalam menanggani isu ini. Maksud saya secara spesifik ialah bila mana Saudara mengeluarkan statement dalam isu MB Perak dulu, Utusan Malaysia dengan segera dan ‘bold’ terus dengan muka depan “DAP Biadap’, dan dikuti dengan pelbagai rentetan propaganda dan provokasi lagi. Saya sebagai rakyat Terengganu mahukan perkara yang sama kali ini dilakukan oleh Utusan Malaysia dalam menanggani isu 23 Adun yang biadap ini termasuk Idris Jusoh. Tajuk yang perlu keluar dimuka depan mereka sekurang-kurangnya ‘23 Adun Biadap’. Mereka semua juga perlu memohon maaf seperti mana yang Saudara lakukan dahulu.

Saya amat berharap Saudara dapat memantau isu ini dengan diberi perhatian istimewa agar UMNO khasnya sedar jangan hanya pandai melihat orang lain biadap tetapi mereka sendiri boleh bersikap biadap dan bertindak sesuka hati mereka. Macamlah negara ini tiada undang-undang.


Saturday, March 22, 2008

Nationwide Prayers and Seminars

ISA Awareness Seminar, it is a joint effort with GMI (Gerakan Mansuh ISA). Planned in 6 towns, Penang, Sg. Petani, Ipoh, Shah Alam, Seremban and Skudai. There will be speeches from GMI speakers, Lawyers, Ex ISA Detainee, ISA Family members, HINDRAF Coordinators and elected MP/DUN.


Date: 22nd March 08

Venue 1 - Chinese School Hall, IPOH
Time : 7.30 pm - 10.00 pm

Venue 2 - Catholic Church Hall, Seremban
Time : 7.30 pm - 10.00 pm

Date : 23rd March 2008

Venue 3 - Penang Waterfall Murugan Temple
Time : 10 am - 12.30pm

Venue 4 - Sri Subramaniar Temple Hall, Sg Petani
Time : 2 pm - 5 pm

Venue 5 - Dewan Raja Musa, Sek 7, Shah Alam
Time : 7.30 pm - 10pm

Venue 6 - Chinese Assy Hall, Skudai, Johor
Time : 7.30 pm - 10pm


Temples that will take part in the Yaagam prayers nationwide, scheduled on 23rd March 2008, 7am to 9am.
*Thanks to Mr.Gunasegaran for pointing out some errors and changes.


* Kallumalai Murugan Temple , Ipoh
* Sri Sithi Vinayagar Devasthanam, Sitiawan
* Sri Subramaniar Temple , Sitiawan
* Sri Thandayuthabani Temple , Sg Wangi, Sitiawan
* Maha Mariamman Temple , Kg Columbia, Sitiawan
* Krishnar Temple , Ayer Tawar, Sitiawan
* Maha Mariamman Temple , Belham, Sitiawan


* Grand Homam and Sangabishegam at Thanner Malai Murugan Temple, Waterfall

* Grand Homam and Pal Kuudam Offering at Sri Maha Mariamman , Butterworth -
Mr. Anba 012-407-1867
* Sri Maha Sakti Muneeswarar Jaibhavani Devasthanam , Weld Quay, Penang Island
* Sri Muniswarar Muthumariamman Devasthanam , Kampung Baroh, Bayan Lepas
* Sri Mariamman Temple , Valdor, Jawi, Penang - Mr. Thiru 019-569-5918


* Grand yaagam – 18 homam at Sri Subramianar Temple , Sg Petani
* Sri Vinayagar Temple, Sg Petani


* 5 Yaagam at Sri Maha Mariamman, Taman Sri Muda, Shah Alam -
Mr. Theva 012-238-5993
* 18 Yaagam at Sri Murugan Temple , Kg Jawa, Shah Alam -
Mr. Raja 014-662-8405
* 9 Homam at Sri Subramaniar Temple , 2nd Mile, K. Selangor -
Mr Guna 012-266-8416
* Sri Maha Mariamman Temple, Ladang Tuan Mee, Sungai Buloh -
Mr Guna 019-6310228
* Sri Murugan Temple, Kapar
* Sri Maha Mariamman Temple, Bt 8, Bkt Kemuning, S. Alam
* Sri Maha Mariamman Temple, Bt 14, Puchong
* Sri Mariamman Temple, Bt 6 1/2, Jln Cheras, KL
* Sri Vinayagar Temple, Desa Mentari, Petaling Jaya
* Sri Maha Mariamman Temple, Bkt Rotan, K. Selangor
* 21 Yaagam at Sri Maha Mariamman, Tk Panglima Garang, Banting -
Mr Kumar 016-2904184, Mr Munusamy 013-2242483 and Mr Sivam 013-6987171


* Sri Maha Mariamman Temple, Jasin
* Sri Maha Mariamman Temple , Bkt Katong RIM
* Sri Raja Rajeswari Temple , Tmn Kerjasama, Bkt Beruang

Please contact Mr.Kannan R at 012-2690024 to update your prayers.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Royal consent for Perak coalition govt

The Regent of Perak Raja Dr Nazrin Shah has consented to a new ruling coalition, comprising the DAP, PKR and PAS, to form the new state government.

The consent was given when leaders of the new ruling coalition had an audience with the Regent at Istana Kinta here Monday.

However, coalition leaders remained tightlipped on who the new Mentri Besar would be, saying the matter would be decided at a tripartite meeting later Monday night.

“We came to seek consent from Raja Nazrin Shah on the formation of the new coalition government consisting of the three parties - the DAP, PKR and PAS,” Perak DAP chief Ngeh Koo Ham.

"Raja Nazrin Shah has advised us to submit the names of those nominated for the post of Mentri Besar by Tuesday morning and if possible, work out the portfolios and names of executive councillors needed to set up the new government,” he said.

This, he said, was to enable the new state government to be sworn in by Wednesday or Thursday.

Ngeh, who is the newly elected Beruas MP and Sitiawan assemblyman, said that the names would be submitted to State Secretary Datuk Dr Abdul Rahman Hashim to be passed on to Raja Nazrin Shah.

“A meeting of the three parties will be held tonight to decide on the new Mentri Besar and the list of exco members plus the portfolios,” he said.

The leaders who were present were Perak PAS commissioner Ahmad Awang, Perak PAS elections director Asmuni Awi, state PKR chief Zulkifly Ibrahim, Perak PKR elections director Ismail Yusop, Perak DAP secretary Nga Kor Ming.

Two others tipped to be the next Mentri Besar were also part of the entourage. They were Perak PAS secretary Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin, who had just won the Pasir Panjang state seat, and Perak PKR member Jamaluddin Mohad Radzi, who is the newly elected Behrang assemblyman.

Ngeh said the meeting with Raja Nazrin Shah was cordial and the Regent reminded them of the need for development in the state and a working relationship with the Federal Government to bring in investments.

“He (Raja Nazrin Shah) also stressed on the importance of the people benefiting from the development,” he said, adding that they assured Raja Nazrin Shah that they would fulfil their responsibilities to the people.

Good Bye Sam!!!!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Penang , Kedah , Kelantan , Selangor & Perak goes to opposition

This is the tsunami of poilitic , as voters are not happy with current government lead by Barisan Nasional. This is not expected as the main target is to deny BN 2/3 majority only . But the king makers is voters , they are not happy.

In Penang DAP will for government with PKR they named Lim Guan Eng as their chief minister. Selangor likely to have Menteri Besar from PKR. In perak DAP-PKR-PAS will form next government. In Kedah PAS-PKR will form next government. Pas have retain Kelantan and will form their government.

Watch this link to always get update.

Okie that all for today ..... watch all the link to always get updates.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Itz The Day

After 13 day campaining today is the day to vote. Start from now anduntil 5pm. First result can be known as early 7pm. Stay tune at this blog to know the happening in Penang.


Tomorow will be update about GE 2008 result in this blog. Stay tune to get update.

DAP Rocks Penangite

People start assembling in the school's padang. Anticipated crowd is 20,000

The football field at Han Chiang soon starts to fill up. 20,000 looks easily achievable.

The crowd stretches back as far as the eye can see. There's easily 30,000 people now

There's a rock concert atmosphere. People are eagerly awaiting the start of the show.

Jeff Ooi backstage. He arrives with an electric guitar slung over his shoulder and an amp in hand. Is this a rock concert or a political ceramah?

Like a true rock star, Jeff obliges and goes down to the ground to greet fans.

As the show is about to start, Han Chiang is awash in a sea of red. General estimate is that there's 40,000 people now!

Some ceramahs have been marred by poor audio systems. Not this one, which is fully wired for sound. There are also large screen projectors for those standing too far away from the stage.

Murphy's Law - Rain threatens to spoil the party. But the crowd has swollen to record levels. 50,000 fans will not be denied!

The Zanster is on hand ready to capture it all on film.

BN events typically feature performances by local artistes but the DAP has its own rock star.

His voice completely hoarse and barely audible after 10 non-stop days of campaigning, Jeff still manages to rock the padang with help from 50,000 voices. The first song is a famous Chinese oldie loosely translated as "What did you say?" with lyrics like "I haven't forgotten you but you've forgotten me" - dedicated to BN. Second song is the election jingle "Mari Mengundi" (untuk DAP).

The media goes crazy as DAP's own Elvis belts out his third and final song for the evening, a Hokkien number loosely translated as "No risk, no gain" - a reprise of DAP's theme song in 1990. The crowd goes crazy too.

Han Chiang overflows. With the padang and school corridors completely packed, people start flowing into the street and even gathering behind the stage. There's about 60,000 people now.

The crowd goes crazy when the emcee introduces the first biggie of the night as someone who is "weak in body but still strong in mind". They know who he is talking about. Karpal is wheeled to the front of the stage and gets the crowd roaring in approval when he talks about the "celaka menteri pendidikan" and his keris. He mentions a few more "celaka" people, whipping the crowd into a frenzy.

Guan Eng arrives in style, carried by supporters from one end of the padang all the way to the stage.

Guan Eng would be forgiven if he mistook Han Chiang for Wembley Stadium. He stirs up the crowd with comments in Hokkien, English and Malay.

It's close to midnight by the time Kit Siang takes the stage but the padang is still packed. No one wants the show to end.

Everyone is worn out, especially the speakers who have been doing this kind of non-stop for past 10 days. Two more day left!!
Jeff can barely keep his eyes open.

Someone - not the organizers - brought fireworks, causing Kit Siang to temporarily halt his speech to soak in the happy atmosphere.

The event might be over but work continues for the media. Malaysiakini's star reporter Beh Li Yih interviews a worn-out Guan Eng after the ceramah wraps up.

Guan Eng goes to a nearby hawker centre around 1 am to grab a bite before he retires for the night, but a politician's work never ends - especially with two days left before the polls. He gets his second wind and works the rounds, pressing the flesh with the patrons there.

This is not Kota Melaka but the Penangites have warmed to Guan Eng. He can't have his food yet.

Finally, at 1.45 am, fueling up for the morning's rounds which start at 7.00 am. In between slurping his noodles, he hums "The Heat Is On". He says the night's ceramah is the biggest, most successful one ever in DAP history. 60,000 people and over RM120,000 in donations in one night.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

60K Crowd - On site donation reach 123k

The March 6 DAP Ceramah held last night at Han Chiang High School, located with the Jelutong parliamentary constituency were mass with 60000 supporter to hear speech by Blogger Jeff Ooi , Karpal Singh , Lim Kit Siang , and Lim Guan Eng.

People came in red and white, DAP's colours. About 50,000 people gathered within the football field and the school compound, with another 10,000 surrounding the perimeter fencing by the roadside.

Will all this supporter will vote for opposition? To deny BN 2/3 majority? We will see this in 24 hour's more.

More information about this will follow up in two hour.

N16 Update Two day Before Election

Here we go as expected Barisan Nasional candidate is L.Krishan , and for DAP is Prof.Dr.Ramasamy and unexpected is indipendent candidate come from local Ulaganathan. With two day left for campaining all my friend had expressed their wish to vote for DAP. Prof.Dr.Ramasamy was political scientist lecturer in Universti Kebangsaan Malaysia. He goes campaign using "Makkal Sakthi" slogan. Be wise to vote!! Remember Future of my generation is in your hand!!!

I'm back

Dear makkez im back to give the right information which hide by mainstream media. After a month break i will continue blogging. After this you can expect everyday update!!!

I'm Born To Be Indian!!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

N16 PERAI : Battle between DAP vs MIC

N16 PERAI constituents is gonna being main battle for barisan and Opposition . Following the decision made by Dr.K.Rajapathy (i know much about him) to make way for the young generation to contest (he is three term assemblyman ).

I'm saying this following action made by Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu. MIC keyman leading a strong MIC team to Prai, considered the party’s state bastion, in an effort to retain the state seat. He also visited key Indian areas.

Samy Vellu say "“When you are in need (of help), who do you call? The MIC men.(i'm saying we call gerakan or opposition definately not MIC ).

In the last general election, Rajapathy defeated DAP’s Chong Eng with a majority of 583 votes. The MIC’s only other state seat in Penang is Bagan Dalam.

That time indian supported a lot for MIC. This time gonna be totaly diferent with a HINDRAF issue. MIC defeated DAP with only 583 votes this time indian voters gonna vote for Opposition.

After all what have Barisan goverment do for Indian ???? Can you tell me? In education ,in job , in buying house , in geting loans & in get a goverment job!!!

P/S : Vote wisely ... think for the future

Friday, February 15, 2008

Update 2

Update at 01.30PM - Via Mobile call - Arresting Officers are now going after Campaigners and passer bys having drinks at the Medan Selera opposite PULAPOL, lawyers are not permitted to see the arrested Campaigners and passer bys' so far. The crowd in front of the PULAPOL said to be getting bigger by minute.

Update 16 Feb Roses Campaign

A supporter being heldin track!!

150 to 200 supporters being held at PULAPOL, Jalan Semarak for more than an hour now.

No food and drinks being provided.Police fired teargas and chemical-laced water cannons in a bid to disperse some 300 Hindu Rights Action Force (Hindraf) supporters who gathered for a peaceful event in Jalan Raja Laut, Kuala Lumpur, early this morning.

According to Hindraf coordinator S Thanenthiran, about 200 people have been arrested.

Also nabbed was Hindraf’s rose campaign organiser S Manickavasagam.

There were heavy police presence in Jalan Raja Laut. Four water cannon trucks were stationed along the route leading to Parliament.

The Hindraf event was initially planned to be held at the Parliament gates where 200 children were to gather to hand over roses as a peaceful gesture requesting that Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi heed the group’s 18-point demands.

News that roads leading to Parliament were closed to prevent them from going to Parliament then led them to change the gathering venue to Jalan Raja Laut.After being chased away by some 40 plainclothes policemen, the supporters ran and were scattered around the Masjid India area.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Choong Hann set to make a record third appearance in Olympic Games

Shuttler Wong Choong Hann intends to stop playing for the national team after the Beijing Olympics in August.

And that is good reason enough for him to go the extra mile to join national number one and world number two Lee Chong Wei as the second Malaysian entry for the men's singles of the Games competition in August.

Choong Hann is now ranked at number 16 – ahead of fellow Malaysians Mohd Hafiz Hashim (17), Lee Tsuen Seng (18) and Mohd Roslin Hashim (19). A country can have a maximum of two entries if both players are ranked among the top 16.

And with two more Super Series to play before the Olympic qualification deadline at the end of April, Choong Hann is ready to battle it out to claim a berth with strong performances at the All-England and Swiss Open in March.

“I am certainly on course. My plan is to go inside the top 16 before the All-England,” he said.
“Hafiz is set to drop further after the Korean Open ranking points are added on later this week (Hafiz was a first-round casualty) and it is working well for me.

“I should be able to stay inside the top 16 from now even if I lose in the first round of the coming two Super Series.”

The 2003 World Championships runner-up is certainly relishing the challenge of playing in the twilight of his career and earning a record third appearance in the Olympics will be an achievement.

The 31-year-old Choong Hann only started to make a comeback early last year after having surgery to mend a ruptured tendon. He suffered the injury in the 2006 Thomas Cup Finals in Japan but make a superb recovery to return to train after only six months.

“If I qualify, I will enjoy it more than last time, given the circumstances.

“I probably enjoy playing more at my age now and it is a rare chance to make it to the Olympics for the third time,” he said.

“On hindsight, I thought I was at my peak in Athens and wanted to win a medal so much (he lost to eventual winner Taufik Hidayat in the third round). But I will look at things differently this time.”

On his plans after the Olympics, Choong Hann said that he would probably leave the national team but is still undecided on what he wanted to do.

“I may play a little bit for fun and probably go into coaching,” said Choong Hann, who made it to the second round of the opening two Super Series tournament – in Kuala Lumpur and in Seoul.
In the meantime, Choong Hann's focus is to strengthen his current position by aiming to beat any of the top-10 players in the All-England scheduled for March 6-9.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Seriyan Vazkai - Pyschomantra (Video Mix 4 Promo)

Yo all here is the videomix of pyschomantra song seriyan vazkai..... I have make an attempt 2 do this video .... Support our mannin maitharagal........... This song is from "Oru Kirukayin Kaviyam"

If you wanna download herez the link

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Wanna a new updates of Mannin Maithragal !!

Just go to this web sites ........ surely you will got new updates every days!!

And i will back blogging in february !!! Got some work 2 settle!!